Monthly Archives: December 2021

Different Types of Software Testing – Part 1

Different Types of Software Testing – Part 1


As applications become more complex, there is a growing need for better software testing. Software testing is a method where it is determined whether the product (software, application) meets all the expected requirements of the client without any errors. The goal of testing is to identify and eliminate bugs in time and correct omissions before the application is officially launched.

Below we will briefly explain the different types of software testing.

1. Accessibility testing

This type of testing is extremely important and is used to test mobile and web applications to determine whether these applications are useful for users without and with disabilities.

Persons with disabilities in this situation are considered to be persons who have:

  • Visual impairment or color blind
  • Hearing damage
  • Cognitive disability
  • Literacy disability
  • Physical disability

2. Acceptance testing

Acceptance testing or as it is also called User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a type of testing performed by the end-user or client to verify that the application is fully ready and that all requirements are met.

3. Black box testing

Black box or behavioral testing is a type of testing that primarily focuses on application inputs and outputs. Testing is performed without knowledge of internal code implementation. Black box testing refers to any type of software test that tests an application without knowing the internal design, structure, or implementation of the software project.

4. End to end testing

This type of testing tests application workflow from start to finish. The goal is to check if the application works as expected. The real user scenario is simulated and tested by the end-user or client. Because today’s software systems are complex and interconnected with various other subsystems, if one subsystem does not work, the complete system will not work. For this reason, end-to-end testing is performed.

5. Functional testing

This type of testing refers to checking an application, website, or system to see if they are doing what they are supposed to do. QA determines whether a particular piece of software behaves according to predefined requirements. Functional testing uses black-box testing techniques.

6. Interactive testing

Also called manual testing. This type of testing allows testers to create and facilitate manual tests for those who do not use automation and collect external test results.

7. Integration testing

This type of testing ensures that the complete integrated system meets all requirements. It is maintained in an integrated hardware and software environment to ensure that the complete system works properly.

8. Non functional testing

This type of testing refers to checking non-functional aspects, such as performance, usability, and reliability of software applications.

We have divided this post into two parts and in the next post, we will explain what other types of software testing exist. Stay tunned.

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Code Review Tools for Developers

Code Review Tools for Developers

Code review is a part of the software development process which involves testing the source code to identify bugs at an early stage. A code review process is typically conducted before merging with the codebase.

In this blog, we’ll explain what code review is and explore popular code review tools that help organizations with the code review process.

What Is the Code Review Process?

The primary goal of the code review process is to assess any new code for bugs, errors, and quality standards set by the organization. An intangible benefit of the code review process is the collective team’s improved coding skills.

If you would like to initiate a code review process in your organization, you should first decide who would review the code. If you belong to a small team, you may assign team leads to review all code. In a larger team size with multiple reviewers, you could enable a process in which every code review is assigned to an experienced developer based on their workload.

The next consideration for you is to decide on timelines, rounds, and minimal requirements for submitting code review requests.

The final consideration is about how feedback should be given in the code review process. Make sure you highlight the positive aspects of the code while suggesting alternatives for drawbacks.

Your feedback should be constructive enough to encourage the developer to understand your perspective and initiate a conversation when necessary.

Why Is Code Review Critical?

Code review is critical for the following reasons:

· Ensure that you have no bugs in code.

· Minimize your chances of having issues.

· Confirm new code adheres to guidelines.

· Increase the efficiency of new code.

How to Perform a Code Review?

There are four ways to conduct code reviews.

1. Over-the-Shoulder Code Reviews

Over-the-shoulder code reviews are done on the developer’s workstation, where an experienced team member walks through the new code, providing suggestions through a conversation. It is the easiest approach to code reviews and does not require a pre-defined structure.

Over-the-shoulder code reviews were traditionally done in person, while distributed teams can follow this method through collaborative tools as well.

2. Email Pass-Around

In this code review process, a developer emails a diff of changes to the whole development team, usually through version control systems that automate notifications. This email initiates a conversation on the changes, where team members may request further changes, point out errors, or ask for clarifications.

3. Pair programming

Pair programming is a continuous code review process. Two developers sit at a workstation, but only one of them actively codes whereas the other provides real-time feedback.

While it may serve as a great tool to inspect new code and train developers, it could potentially prove to be inefficient due to its time-consuming nature. This process locks down the reviewer from doing any other productive work during the period.

4. Tool-Assisted

A tool-assisted code review process involves the use of a specialized tool to facilitate the process of code review. A tool generally helps you with the following tasks:

· Organize and display the updated files in a change.

· Facilitate a conversation between reviewers and developers.

· Assess the efficacy of the code review process with metrics.

A Closer Look at 12 Powerful Code Review Tools

There are the most popular static code review tools.

1. Review Board

2. Crucible

3. GitHub

4. Phabricator

5. Collaborator

6. CodeScene

7. Visual Expert

8. Gerrit

9. Rhodecode

10. Veracode

11. Reviewable

12. Peer Review for Trac


The code review process plays a key role when it comes to boosting the efficiency of your organization. Specifically, taking advantage of the right code review tool is what helps you to remove redundancy in your development cycle.

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