Monthly Archives: February 2022

Web Development Stacks You Should Consider in 2022

Web Development Stacks You Should Consider in 2022


If you have an idea for a project and want to make it from scratch, you will have to choose a tech stack. It is important to evaluate which tech stack to choose right from the start because it will be difficult to change it later if the choice is wrong.

What is a tech stack?

A tech stack is a set of all technologies or combinations of technologies that will be used in your project. Each technology has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to assess which tech stack best suits your project.

The tech stack can be divided into three parts:

  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • APIs

Front-end as client-side programming, back-end as server-side programming, and API tools to connect front-end and back-end, most often these are third-party services that are required to be included in your application.

To fully understand web development tech stacks, we must first understand the basic division of web developers. There are three types of web developers:

  • Front-end developer
  • Back-end developer
  • Full-stack developer


Front-end developers are responsible for the appearance and behavior of the application itself within the user browser. As mentioned earlier, there is a front-end tech stack that applies to front-end developers.

When choosing a front-end it will most often be HTML and CSS followed by the JavaScript programming language as it is the most popular. You will also need a CSS framework. Bootstrap is the most popular and most used. After that, the choice falls on JavaScript frameworks, whether it will be React, Angular, or Vue. If you are interested in what is the difference and which one to choose from these three, we have a special article dedicated to it – JavaScript Front-end Frameworks in 2021 โ€“ Angular VS React VS Vue.


Back-end developers are responsible for the server-side including databases. Everything that the user will not see because everything takes place in the background. Just as we have a front-end tech stack that applies to front-end developers, so we have a back-end tech stack that applies to back-end developers.

When choosing a back-end the choice is a little more difficult as there are more different options. It all starts with which programming language you choose for the back-end.

These are the most commonly used combinations:

  • Python as a programming language and Django as a back-end framework
  • Node.js as JavaScript runtime and Express.js as a back-end framework
  • PHP as a programming language and Laravel as a back-end framework

It is also necessary to choose the database that will be used in combination with the back-end programming language. The choice falls on one of the following three:

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB

MySQL is the most popular but again the choice depends on the requirements of the project.


Full-stack developers take care of both. These are usually more experienced developers who have worked many times as front-end and back-end developers and are equally familiar with all the necessary technologies. Since the full-stack includes all technologies there are already well-known tech stacks that have been tested and are widely used:

  • LAMP
  • PERN
  • Flutter
  • Serverless


LAMP is one of the oldest tech stacks in web development and represents an industry standard. The stack includes the following technologies:

  • Linux (operating system)
  • Apache (HTTP server)
  • MySQL (relational database)
  • PHP (back-end programming language)

LAMP is also the first open-source tech stack in the world. What makes it an industry standard is precisely that it is open-source and free. In addition, it provides stability and ease for developing new web applications.

WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Shopify, and many other platforms were created using the LAMP tech stack.

Another advantage is that the components of the LAMP tech stack can be changed. Instead of Linux, you can use Windows operating system (WAMP) or macOS (MAMP), also as a back-end programming language instead of PHP, you can use Perl or Python.

The LAMP tech stack is more back-end however with a combination of HTML, CSS, and some CSS framework it becomes a full-stack tech stack. Although LAMP is an older tech stack, it is still a great choice in 2022.


MEAN is another tech stack in wide use as well as LAMP. It consists of the following technologies:

  • MongoDB (NoSQL database)
  • Express.js (back-end framework)
  • Angular (front-end framework)
  • Node.js (open-source cross-platform server)

MEAN is also a free and open-source tech stack. The JavaScript programming language is used for both front-end and back-end which gives it a slight advantage over the LAMP tech stack.

This is one complete full-stack tech stack that allows you to quickly build web applications. Since JavaScript is used for front-end and back-end, there is always the possibility to reuse the code. Stack comes with its web server which makes it easy to set up and a great choice for cloud hosting.

Due to its advantages, MEAN is the most popular and best full-stack tech stack in 2022.


MERN tech stack is almost identical to MEAN, the only difference is that React for front-end is used instead of Angular. The technologies are as follows:

  • MongoDB (NoSQL database)
  • Express.js (back-end framework)
  • React (JavaScript library for creating front-end interfaces)
  • Node.js (open-source cross-platform server)

The only advantage is the use of React and the inclusion of various libraries. Netflix and Uber were created using the MERN tech stack.

MERN is the second most popular full-stack tech stack in 2022.


The MEVN tech stack is another in a series of MEAN modified stacks that use the Vue front-end framework instead of Angular. The technologies used are as follows:

  • MongoDB (NoSQL database)
  • Express.js (back-end framework)
  • Vue (front-end framework)
  • Node.js (open-source cross-platform server)

Vue is easy to learn and offers good performance for web applications. It has gained in popularity in the last few years, but it is still not at the level of Angular and React.

MEVN uses the MVC (Model View Controller) software design pattern to create web applications. Vue can be expanded using additional third-party services. Also one of the advantages over Angular and React is that the Vue is lightweight and takes up significantly less space.

MEVN is not used as much as MEAN and MERN but its popularity is constantly growing and has a very strong community. That means it could soon become like MEAN and MERN tech stacks.


The PERN tech stack is another popular stack. Includes the following technologies:

  • PostgreSQL (object-relational database)
  • Express.js (back-end framework)
  • React (JavaScript library for creating front-end interfaces)
  • Node.js (open-source cross-platform server)

PERN allows the creation of full-stack web applications with CRUD operations. PERN is like MEAN and MERN but uses PostgreSQL database instead of MongoDB.

If you need a relational database instead of NoSQL for the project then you can use PERN tech stack instead of MEAN or MERN. As of PostgreSQL gains in popularity over MongoDB, the PERN tech stack has the potential to become the most popular.


Flutter is a free and open-source UI software development kit or front-end framework for cross-platform development. It is possible to develop mobile, web, desktop, and embedded applications from a single codebase. It is most commonly used to build native mobile applications (Android and iOS).

Flutter uses:

  • Dart (front-end programming language)

Flutter is very flexible and can use the Backendless SDK for the back-end. However, any back-end programming language can be used for the back-end.

Although Flutter is still fairly new with limited resources, its features are excellent and make the development process very fast. When it comes to cross-platform development, Flutter as a tech stack takes first place.


Serverless is a cloud-native development model that allows you to create and run applications and services without thinking about servers. The Serverless tech stack has made it easier to manage infrastructure by providing a variety of services and tools. We will not list the technologies that can be used, as almost all front-end and back-end technologies can be used in the Serverless tech stack.

The main advantage of this approach is in scaling. The application will behave the same whether it has thousands of users at once or only a few.

The first Serverless platforms were AWS Lambda and Google Cloud. Such platforms are also responsible for security updates on the server. Another great advantage is that these platforms are cost-effective, developers will be charged only for the amount of space they used on the server.

With a Serverless stack, you can easily develop and host full-stack web applications that will be automatically scalable. A Serverless tech stack is certainly something you should keep in mind or give a chance.


Choosing a tech stack for your project can be a difficult task especially if you are not familiar with the technologies because it will have a big impact on how effective your application will be.

Each project has unique requirements that can be met by a specific tech stack. Of course, in addition to all the above, you can always put together your tech stack according to what you intend to do. To choose a tech stack, you should also choose technologies that you know best. If the project will be developed in the team, the tech stack will depend on the team. You should also consider the cost of maintaining the application after it is completed as well as the cost of starting it.

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The Most In-Demand Programming Languages in 2022

The Most In-Demand Programming Languages in 2022


Usually, when we want to start learning to program, the first question that will cross our minds is which is the best programming language to learn. It is important to know right from the start that there is no “perfect” programming language. Each programming language has its application for different areas, which means that choosing the best programming language for you depends on many factors.

Below we will go through the most in-demand programming languages in 2022.

1. Python

Python is the most wanted programming language in the tech industry. The reason for this is that it is a very versatile language. Python empowers developers to use different programming styles like functional, object-oriented, reflective programming, etc. It can be used for machine learning, web development, big data, and even app development. Python is very simple and ideal for beginners. However, its biggest advantage is in libraries. It is possible to find a Python library for almost any task.

Python is most often used for:

  • Data Science
  • Back-end Development
  • App Development

If you are starting programming and are interested in some of these areas Python could be a good choice for you.

2. JavaScript

JavaScript is currently the most popular language in the world and the most sought after by hiring managers. This is not a coincidence, the reason for this is that this language is used by all browsers and there is no steep learning curve. Due to its popularity, there are many learning resources such as programming communities, courses, guides, and support from more experienced developers. JavaScript is used to manage the behavior of the website so that any interaction with the website takes place via JavaScript.

Most large companies use JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue for front-end, and Node.js JavaScript runtime for back-end.

In addition to JavaScript, TypeScript is often mentioned. TypeScript is JavaScript with additional functionality, we can say that it is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features. In other words, it makes JavaScript code cleaner, more correct, and more secure.

JavaScript is most often used for:

  • Web Development
  • Web Servers
  • Game Development
  • Mobile Applications
  • Microservices

If you are interested in some of these areas and have a basic programming background, JavaScript and TypeScript may be good choices for you.

3. Java

Java is an object-oriented programming language that has long been number one and is used by more than 3 billion devices. Today it is also one of the top 5 programming languages. Its popularity is not accidental, Java is one of the most powerful programming languages and is used for almost everything, desktop applications, web development, mobile applications, AI, cloud applications, and many others. It has incredible security and can handle huge amounts of data making it ideal for the financial sector. Java is a versatile programming language and is therefore attractive to beginners. Also, once written, the application will work on any operating system.

If you’ve researched the Java programming language, you’ve probably heard of Kotlin. It is a cross-platform programming language and is used for application development, but its priority is currently android applications. It is developing very fast and is currently more popular than Java when it comes to android applications.

Java is most often used for:

  • E-Commerce
  • Finance
  • Application Development

Java has always been a great programming language that enables high salaries, great opportunities, good progress, and a lot of work. If you are interested in one of these areas, Java could be your right choice. However, if your goal is to make android applications, Kotlin may be a better choice right now.

4. C#

C# is an object-oriented programming language that is an improved version of the C++ programming language. It runs on the .NET framework developed by Microsoft. In addition to the fact that this programming language is in demand, it also has a huge community that helps those who are learning C#. Since this is a 2000 programming language it certainly has better support and documentation for learning than some newer programming languages.

C# is ideal for creating desktop applications and games. Many of the most popular mobile games are made in C#. This programming language is in great demand on a global level.

In addition to the C# programming language, there are C and C++ that are also widely used.

C is most commonly used in game engines, core AI engines, operating systems when as much power and efficiency as possible is required. C is a procedural programming language and does not have object-oriented capabilities.

C++ is C with the ability to write object-oriented code. C and C++ are low-level programming languages which means they run closer to the CPU, so running code is super fast. However, writing code is longer and more complex and is therefore only used for performance-critical applications that rely on speed and efficient memory management.

C# is most often used for:

  • Game Development
  • Desktop / Web / Mobile Applications
  • Virtual Reality (VR)

If you are interested in some of these areas and have a desire to learn to program, C# is a well-designed programming language that can give you an amazing career in 2022. Also, if you opt for C or C++ you will not go wrong. C# is currently more popular because it is easier to learn and a more modern programming language. C# is a Microsoft version of the Java programming language.

5. PHP

PHP was primarily developed as a template language that was later refined to be a complete programming language. Due to that, PHP had certain shortcomings, based on which it had a bad reputation for some time. However, PHP is the most popular server-side programming language in the world for creating web applications. All those flaws that PHP had were solved a long time ago. Large projects such as Facebook, WordPress, Wikipedia, and many others have been developed in PHP. This programming language is scalable and very fast, even faster than Python, and good in CPU usage. PHP has always been in the top 10 programming languages so that will not change for sure.

PHP is most often used for:

  • Web Servers

If you are interested in web development but more back-end than front-end, PHP could be a great choice to learn to program. Also, if you already have some prior knowledge of JavaScript, you can choose Node.js to shorten the path.

6. R

R is a cross-platform programming language for statistical and graphic programming that has great support and is rapidly evolving. As more and more data is used in any business the need for data analysts is great. The R programming language plays a major role in data analysis. Companies of all sizes of any industry use it to extract insights from the large amount of daily data they generate. Statisticians and data miners also use it for data analysis. R is also popular in academic education, scientists and researchers use it to analyze the results of experiments.

R is most often used for:

  • Statistical Inference
  • Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning

Currently, there is a great shortage of people in this domain, by learning this language you can secure a great career.

7. Swift

Swift is a general-purpose programming language developed by Apple. It is used to create applications for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and many others. Due to the closed Apple ecosystem, its popularity is not pronounced, but Swift is considered a top-level programming language. Swift is efficient, easy to use, and very fast. Apple used to use Objective C, and Swift is slowly becoming a replacement for Objective C. Does that mean that Objective C is dead? Of course not, both Apple’s main macOS and iOS platforms rely on Objective C.

Swift is most often used for:

  • iOS Applications
  • macOS Desktop Applications
  • Apple Watch Development
  • Apple TV Development

If you are a fan of Apple products and want to enter their ecosystem then Swift is the best choice for you.


If we learn a programming language well, does that mean that we will use that programming language at work tomorrow?

We have previously stated that choosing the best programming language for you depends on many factors. Let’s see what these factors are.

In what area is this programming language used and what is its purpose?

When we talk about areas of interest, of course, we mean IT areas. So, it is important to know what our area of interest is and to look for a job in that area. Choosing the right area narrows the choice of programming languages.

What are the market demands?

Market demands dictate company demands. This means that the choice of the programming language will always depend on the requirements of the company, so it does not necessarily mean that you will use the programming language at work that you have learned.

What if I choose one programming language and later that language is not popular or is not required by the company?

This is something that happens often, especially today as programming is evolving very fast and needs to be constantly learned. New technologies are constantly coming out which means youโ€™ll have to learn new technologies at work tomorrow that you may not have learned by now and thatโ€™s normal.

What you need to understand is that while learning to program you are not just learning a programming language but developing a special way of thinking. The essence is to develop a special way of thinking and learn the basics of programming in any programming language, it is certainly better to choose one of the most popular in your area of interest.

So, don’t be afraid when choosing a programming language, even if you make a mistake, you have gained experience that you can easily transfer to another programming language in that field later.

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