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The Best Soft Skills You Should Have as a Developer

The Best Soft Skills You Should Have as a Developer


Usually at a job interview for the position of developer in IT companies HR asks you to present your soft and hard skills. It is clear that hard tech skills are more necessary and have priority because without them the job of a developer cannot be done. However, if you want to work as a developer in the IT sector, the job involves more than just hard tech skills.

What are soft skills and why are they so important?

Soft skills are non-technical skills that help you do your job better. Soft skills are important because they make you a better employee, even if you are a great programmer and have the right hard skills you may not be employed if you do not have the right soft skills.

Imagine a great developer who is too closed and has communication difficulties, it just won’t work. As much as programming was an isolated profession and seemed remote from people, on the other hand, it must be as close to people as possible, because when creating complex applications, communication is crucial, especially communication with the client.

Soft skills are also important because they help developers improve and develop their hard skills. Senior developers will transfer their knowledge to a middle or junior developer only on the condition that they have soft skills. Soft skills affect how well you will fit in with others and since the job is most often done in teams that are constantly changing, having such skills is very important.

Just imagine being a freelancer and doing development, soft skills can help you retain clients. If you have good communication skills you have a better chance of gaining new clients and retaining old ones.

These are some of the most important soft skills when it comes to development:

1. Communication

Technology illustrations by Storyset

Communication is important and is one of the most underrated soft skills for developers, especially if we are talking about written communication. Communication is of great importance because usually the work is done in a team or teams that are on the same project and there must be quality communication and cooperation between different teams or colleagues who are in different positions. Developers usually have a lot of meetings that are also important, especially if the meetings are directly with clients. Written communication is perhaps even more important since, in addition to programming, developers receive and send emails, write documentation for applications and submit various types of reports.

2. Teaching

Online illustrations by Storyset

Teaching is a skill that needs to be learned, it is one thing to tell something and another to transfer knowledge or a complicated area of consciousness to an understandable level. Whether you are a beginner or a developer with years of experience there is certainly something that could be useful to share or something that you know and others do not. Teaching can take many forms, imagine a situation where a developer needs to explain why something the client has imagined cannot be done the way the client asks, you understand the point. Usually, senior developers are in charge of training junior developers through mentoring.

3. Productivity

Work illustrations by Storyset

In a world where we have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Reddit, it is difficult to stay focused because these social networks are created to constantly distract. The job of a developer is demanding and can be very exhausting. Developers need some time to start working effectively, we can compare that to warming up before some physical training. Once they start working they are faced with the challenge of maintaining that time of effective work, any minor interruption affects focus and productivity unless it is some planned break with a specific goal. If the developer is tired, under pressure, something else distracts him and because of that he loses focus, he will hardly be productive that day and will most likely not meet even the minimum requirements.

4. Thinking Outside the Box

People illustrations by Storyset

The job of a developer involves many more factors than just programming. If it is an application that represents a project or product for the client, the developer should approach in such a way in terms of helping develop and suggest some ideas if he estimates that they would be useful or that the project is going in the wrong direction.

It is also important that the developer takes care of writing the code so that the next developer can continue the same project if necessary. Usually, developers first write code according to their capabilities but when they gather a lot of experience they want to rewrite the code they used to write before.

It is of great importance that the company recognizes the advantages and disadvantages of its developers. One group of developers may be better at communicating, while another group of developers may be better at some other things. Developers who see the bigger picture and where the company discovers their advantages can contribute a lot to the company. Developers who have a broader picture and who discover the benefits can contribute a lot to the company.

5. Teamwork

People illustrations by Storyset

With more experienced developers, at some point, most come to the same level of programming knowledge and the only thing that remains is the ability to communicate and collaborate on projects. Developers who have problems with the approach, with communication, with teamwork, simply spoil and slow down, both the team and the project. For this reason, social skills such as healthy communication, cooperation, and teamwork are really important. It is these soft skills with developers that are key to achieving a good atmosphere within teams.

6. Problem Solving

People illustrations by Storyset

Programming is not just writing code where we adhere to certain rules, programming is also a way of solving problems that requires a special way of thinking. Before solving the problem, it is necessary to first identify what the problem is. If it is a big problem, it is usually divided into several smaller problems that are solved separately to solve that big problem. To solve a problem, it is necessary to know how to approach that problem, and then devise a strategy on how to reach a solution.

7. Patience and Persistence

Business illustrations by Storyset

In programming, code can rarely work from the first, so a lot of time is spent on debugging. It is often necessary to learn something new along the way and apply it in the current project. All this creates additional effort and stress for the developer, especially if the deadline is approaching. Patience and persistence are great soft skills that make a developer’s job easier.

8. Passion

People illustrations by Storyset

Also, an important soft skill is passion. If a developer has a passion for a certain area and gets a project from that area, he will certainly try and do better in relation to another developer who is not interested in that area at all. On the other hand, passion also pushes the developer to learn more and work on things he likes if he already has to work on projects that are not interesting to him.


After the above items, we can agree that soft skills are very important for a developer. Developers who work on soft skills while learning to program will have an advantage over others when it comes to a job interview or a real job.

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Best Online Code Editors for Web Developers

Best Online Code Editors for Web Developers


If you are looking for the best online code editors, we have compiled a list of the best online code editors for web developers.

What is an online code editor?

An online code editor is a tool that resides on a remote server and allows developers to access the tool through a browser to create applications. We can divide them into two types, the simpler ones that have basic features and are more similar to plain text editors, and the more complicated ones that are more similar to complete IDEs. In this article, we will go through both types.

What are the benefits of using an online code editor?

  • No setup required
  • No download required
  • You get an IDE installed and configured
  • Easily share and collaborate using URLs only
  • In most cases free or very cheap

What to keep in mind when choosing an online code editor?

  • How fast the application works
  • Which programming languages it supports
  • Is it free or what does it offer as free
  • Ease of setup
  • Integrations with repository managers
  • Does it have NPM support
  • Custom text and layout settings
  • Terminal support

Let’s look at a list of the best online code editors that help with web development.


CodePen is the most popular code editor and focuses on writing and sharing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code online. It is very fast and easy to use, which probably makes it the most popular code editor.

It is commonly used to create and test web applications in front-end development. The interface is separate for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, thus helping the developer to focus on each of them at a time. All changes to the code can be seen live as you type.

CodePen is completely free and it is not necessary to create an account to use it. This way you can very quickly and efficiently start writing code and creating new web applications directly from your web browser.

CodePen allows you to create and share projects (pens) easily via a URL. It is possible to create a collection of pens, view the latest ones, and follow other developers. CodePen allows the use of preprocessors such as SASS and LESS for CSS or Babel for JavaScript, it is also possible to import various JavaScript libraries such as jQuery.

Available at: CodePen


StackBlitz is very similar to Visual Studio Code which is great if you have used VS Code before. This online editor is useful when you need a boilerplate or starter project using your favorite web development library or framework.

StackBlitz supports much more than HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is possible to create projects using React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, and many others. It also provides support for TypeScript, vanilla JavaScript, or just HTML5. It is also possible to create full-stack projects.

The editor is integrated with GitHub so it can connect to any public GitHub repository. It also has support for NPM dependency management. All StackBlitz applications are automatically deployed on their servers and hosted for free.

Available at: StackBlitz


CodeSandbox provides an online code editor and sandboxed environment for front-end development. The complete development environment offers various features and code templates which makes code writing faster and easier.

CodeSandbox can serve as a prototyping tool. Like StackBlitz, it allows you to create projects using web development libraries and frameworks. It is also possible to connect to GitHub projects and edit them using CodeSandbox. In addition, it supports NPM library management and linking various libraries using CDN.

CodeSandbox allows you to deploy the production version of the app directly from the editor to some of the more well-known providers such as Netlify, Vercel, and GitHub Pages which is fantastic. In addition, it is possible to create a team environment where multiple developers can collaborate in real-time and edit the same code.

Available at: CodeSandbox


JSFiddle is another popular online editor that helps with web development. It cannot replace full-fledged text editors but handles frontend scripts well. It is possible to create projects using pure JavaScript, HTML5, or a framework such as React, Angular, Vue, or some other. You can use libraries using the CDN and customize the editor layout. JSFiddle also allows multiple developers to collaborate and work on the same code.

Available at: JSFiddle

JS Bin

One of the oldest online code editors for web development is JS Bin. It is usually used to create prototypes using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Of course, external libraries for jQuery, React, Angular, Vue, or some others can also be used. JS Bin has a quick and easy interface, each code snippet can be tested in a browser and then exported to a text file. Since popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks can be imported, modern pages and web applications can be easily created which makes JS Bin no worse than other online code editors.

Available at: JSBin


Gitpod is a cloud code editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment), a collaborative environment that allows you to connect to the git repository and edit the code. It offers integrations with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. If you’ve used Visual Studio Code and you like it, then Gitpod is a good choice as it offers all the major back-end and front-end languages and frameworks.

Gitpod is a development environment as code, which allows automation, version-control, and sharing developer environments (workspaces) across your team. Once you create a workspace, you will be able to edit and run the code using your preferred online editors. You can choose between Visual Studio Code and Theia Editor.

Available at: GitPod

GitHub CodeSpaces

GitHub CodeSpaces is a cloud-based online hosting environment designed to use Visual Studio Code for development. It is a tool that allows you to open codespace via Visual Studio Code online directly from the GitHub repository and make changes.

Available at: GitHub CodeSpaces


PlayCode is an online editor that is primarily designed for JavaScript-based projects. It is commonly used for prototyping in web development. It is possible to create a complete web development project using HTML, CSS, or one of the libraries and frameworks.

Available at: PlayCode

AWS Cloud9

Cloud9 is one of the first browser-based IDEs to offer serious features. Today, Cloud9 is part of Amazon’s AWS offerings, however, it can be used for free if the Amazon EC2 instance is originally used.

Cloud9 supports JavaScript, Python, PHP, and a couple of other programming languages. Provides code collaboration and code environment sharing through a few clicks. AWS Cloud9 makes it easy to write and debug serverless applications.

Available at: AWS Cloud9

W3Schools TryIt

If you have been studying web development for some time, you must have met the W3Schools site and their Tryit code editor at some point. Their code editor can also be used and is very simple. Supports Java, Python, JavaScript and many others.

Available at: W3Schools TryIt


Replit is free and represents a collaborative IDE within the browser. Supports over 50 programming languages. It is a quality tool for quickly starting, sharing, and developing projects in any programming language, all directly from the browser. No deployment of projects is required as the projects will be hosted immediately.

Available at: Replit


Glitch is an incredibly good and simple online editor. There is no need to make a configuration or deployment, from the moment you create a new project your Glitch application is live, after which you can share or embed it anywhere. The point is that developers focus on creating the application and therefore Glitch handles all the setup.

Available at: Glitch


So, this was a list of the best online code editors for web development in 2021. You can choose the one that best suits your needs.

This is not a complete list, of course, there are other online code editors you can use, these are the ones we have singled out as the best, most popular, and the ones we recommend.

We hope you found this list useful.

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Best Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

Best Chrome Extensions for Web Developers


Since the needs of every web developer are different, developers are welcome to customize their browsers to suit their needs. We can say that part of this customization is extensions or plugins that can help a lot in the developer’s workflow.

In 2021, around 65.27% of the world’s people are using Google Chrome, according to data from June this year. Since the Google Chrome browser is the most widely used in the world and web developers use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox the most, we decided to show you a list of the best Google Chrome extensions that can be useful for web developers.


ColorZilla is an extension that allows the user to find any hue that is in the browser. The selected color can be edited and this extension also offers a CSS gradient editor. Most of these options are already built into Chrome DevTools, so this extension may not be of much concern to some developers.

Available at: ColorZilla


Lighthouse is an open-source extension and serves as an automated tool to improve the performance, quality, and accuracy of your web applications. It can be used for any website, public or one that requires authentication. Lighthouse specifically audits performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.

The tool performs a series of tests on the page and generates a report on how successful the page is. Based on this report, the user can conclude what he can do to improve his web application.

Lighthouse can be installed and run as a Google Chrome extension, but it also comes as a built-in tool within Chrome DevTools. It is recommended that you use Chrome DevTools workflow rather than Chrome Extension workflow. The DevTools workflow allows testing of local sites and authenticated pages, while the extension does not.

Available at: Lighthouse


Developers use a variety of technologies and usually look for inspiration by looking at other sites and applications which is why an extension like Wappalyzer comes across as very useful. The extension analyzes the site and shows what technologies it was created with.

With the help of this extension, you can find out which CMS, framework, eCommerce platform, JavaScript libraries, programming languages, analytics, marketing tools, payment processors, CRM, CDN are used by the site, and much more. A good alternative to this extension is: WhatRuns

Available at: Wappalyzer

Fake Filler

Fake Filler is a simple extension that serves to fill in all input fields on a page with randomly generated fake data, usually for filling out forms. This extension is useful because it saves time for developers and testers, without it everything would have to be done manually every time, which would take a lot of time.

Available at: Fake Filler


CSSViewer is a simple extension that allows you to display CSS properties in an ordered order. The extension was originally made as an add-on for Firefox, after which a version for Chrome was released. Of course, developers can always use Chrome DevTools to view the CSS properties of an element, but this extension allows faster and more transparent access.

Available at: CSSViewer

JSON Viewer

JSON Viewer is an extension that enables the printing of JSON and JSONP and offers the possibility of customization so that the code looks beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Available at: JSON Viewer

React Developer Tools

If you are a front-end developer and use React at some point you will surely start using the React Developer Tools extension if you have not already, this extension is required. The extension adds React debugging tools to Chrome Developer Tools. Allows you to inspect React component hierarchies using Chrome Developer Tools.

Available at: React Developer Tools


As the name of the extension itself says, WhatFont is used to identify fonts on web pages. The extension is easy to use, just drag the mouse over the letter and the extension will display the font name, for more detailed options you need to use the left mouse click. A good alternative to this extension is: Fonts Ninja

Available at: WhatFont

Redux DevTools

Redux DevTools is an extension that serves for debugging the application’s state changes. The extension provides power-ups for your Redux development workflow. The extension is not limited to Redux, it can be used with any other state-managed architecture.

Available at: Redux DevTools

Open in VSCode

An extension that can be useful in certain situations. Allows you to open GitHub and GitLab links in Visual Studio Code. Just right-click on any link from the file and the “Open in VSCode” option opens the selected file. If you think that this extension is not so useful, the next hack may be more useful.

For example, if we have the following repository: https://github.com/testuser/testrepo it is enough to add only “1s” in the following way: https://github1s.com/testuser/testrepo and the complete online repository opens. It should be borne in mind that this is not an official project supported by GitHub but an open-source project that can be used as needed.

Available at: Open in VSCode

Web Developer

The Web Developer is one of those extensions that was primarily developed for the Firefox browser since Firefox is also a great browser for developing. The extension adds a toolbar button to Chrome that provides various web developer tools. The Web Developer extension can also be used by people involved in digital marketing.

Available at: Web Developer

Picture-in-Picture Extension

For some it will be a useful extension, for others, it may not. Picture-in-Picture is a Chrome extension that allows you to watch videos in a floating window on top of other windows. It’s great for following tech talk or maybe tutorials while using other sites. This extension was developed by Google.

Available at: Picture-in-Picture Extension

Window Resizer

As a developer, it is important to test your application and apply responsive design. Windows Resizer allows you to mimic different screen resolutions so you can test the design layout. It is possible to set specific test resolutions that can later be exported and imported to another computer.

Available at: Window Resizer

Amino: Live CSS Editor

The Animo extension is like CSSViewer but more advanced. Allows you to write custom CSS code for any website and displays changes in real-time. It is possible to customize colors, fonts, and layout. Custom CSS code can be saved and used on other devices using Chrome. Animo is considered the best Chrome extension for custom CSS. As with the CSSViewer extension, some options already exist built into Chrome DevTools, so someone won’t even need this extension.

Available at: Amino: Live CSS Editor

Yet Another Lorem Ipsum Generator

You’ve probably heard of Lorem Ipsum by now. This extension represents the Lorem Ipsum Generator which provides lorem ipsum text that can be copied and used on the website most commonly as a text placeholder. With this extension, paragraphs of different lengths, titles, dates, email addresses, and links can be added.

Available at: Yet Another Lorem Ipsum Generator

Clear Cache

In each browser, there is an option to clear the cache, which can be configured. The Clear Cache extension allows you to set all the options once, after which just a mouse click is enough to perform the complete cleaning process in a few seconds.

Available at: Clear Cache

PerfectPixel by WellDoneCode (pixel perfect)

The PerfectPixel extension allows you to use a semi-transparent image over the website so you can perform a pixel-by-pixel comparison between the website and the image. This is a very useful extension for developers because it allows you to create a website exactly as it was designed.

Available at: PerfectPixel by WellDoneCode (pixel perfect)

Image downloader

Image Downloader is a great and useful Chrome extension that allows you to download all the images from a specific website. Images can also be downloaded from websites where images are hidden for download. With this extension, it is possible to extract the image link as well as download the image directly. A good alternative to this extension is: Image Downloader

Available at: Image downloader

GoFullPage – Full Page Screen Capture

The GoFullPage extension captures a screenshot of the current page without some additional permissions. This extension is very useful for web developers because with one click it provides a full overview of a webpage that can be shared later.

Available at: GoFullPage

Page Ruler Redux

The Page Ruler Redux is a very useful extension that provides a ruler for measuring pixel dimensions and positioning. It is possible to measure the width, height, and position of any element on any website.

Available at: Page Ruler Redux


One of the key steps in the software development process is to test the application. The LamdbaTest extension provides a cloud-based platform for performing cross-browser testing on 2000+ real browsers and different browser versions for different devices. Such tests help make a website or web application cross-browser compatible, and therefore more robust.

For desktop devices, it is possible to test on Windows and macOS, and for mobile devices, it is possible to test on Android and iOS. It is possible to perform a screenshot testing over 25 devices in a single go. LambdaTest is one of the better extensions for developers, designers, and of course testers.

Available at: LambdaTest

Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker

Ghostery is a privacy extension that aims to prevent all intrusive ads that are usually on websites which is why it has a built-in adblocker. It also has built-in tracking protection to protect your data and block 3rd websites from being tracked, a page speed booster, and an optimizer to make the browsing experience more enjoyable. Ghostery has a dashboard with which the user can adjust their settings.

Available at: Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker

Session Buddy

Since Google Chrome is known to require a lot of RAM during operation, an extension such as Session Buddy comes in handy. This is an extension for developers and designers and provides help with managing browser tabs. It enables bookmark manager, saves sessions, and returns them later as needed thus relieving the browser and freeing up a lot of memory. Session Buddy allows you to manage all tabs from a single page, organize them by topic, and offer a quick tab search. If a system crash occurs Session Buddy will restore all your tabs as you left them.

Available at: Session Buddy


Extensions are great and you should use them and explore new ones as they appear. However, it is recommended that you use fewer extensions as more extensions can be distracting. Also, you shouldn’t trust extensions completely as they may not be available tomorrow.

It’s best to choose between 5 and 10 extensions that will work for you, and add a new one or remove an old one from time to time. Play around with the extensions and see which ones work best for you.

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7 new rules of project management

7 new rules of project management

COVID-19 has greatly affected the future of work and how teams collaborate to get projects done, resulting in significant changes in the skills and strategies necessary to succeed as a project manager.

The past year has led to major changes in the way people work. Before the pandemic, according to a recent study by Pev Research, about 20% of adult employees worked from home. Today, that number is 71%, and 54% of them want it to continue. The pandemic has accelerated what is beginning to look like a mass migration of office workers to distributed, remote work settings. This has affected every worker – 1.25 billion worldwide.

It is a huge change that has led project managers to strive to find new strategies for maintaining projects, and workers to be healthy and productive in the midst of the stress and chaos of this great change. And not just project managers. Everyone is struggling to keep work on their way. According to Asana’s research, we spend 60% of our time coordinating work, and not on qualified, strategic jobs that we are engaged in.

What are the new project management rules and what new skills do project managers need to progress?

1. Clarity is elusive — and expensive

One thing became apparent last year: Cooperation without physical proximity means that it is harder to achieve clarity. Asana’s study Anatomy of Work found that every fourth deadline is missed every week due to a lack of clarity.

The quick transition to work from home moved everyone to isolated workspaces, connected only by the Internet – a dangerous situation in which every member of the team could quickly become a silo for information. Early in the pandemic, Zoom Meetings provided some remedy as to a substitute for face-to-face meetings and quick conversations, but a year later, it is clear that we need better tools to clarify who does what, when and what the big picture looks like.

A study by Asana found that casual conversations in the office to speed people up to have been replaced by unnecessary video meetings at a high cost. Meetings interrupt focused work and take a lot of time. They cost 157 hours of individual productivity last year and led to people working an average of two hours each day with a delay. Project managers and information technology directors are trying to implement new tools and methods that bring clarity without paying such a high price.

2. Your ‘source of truth’ has never been more important

There is a wide range of project management methodologies, and although each offers its specific benefits, the key is to choose one and dedicate yourself to it all.

This source of truth can be a central project management tool that provides a job management framework, or it can be a project manager in a leading role or a work philosophy.

“The old rule could be: ‘Do it, no matter what is needed, and the new rule reads:’ Let’s agree on how we look at this and put it in a frame. ‘ “

3. Synchronous communication is a scarce resource

One thing she taught us last year – often the hard way, in missed deadlines and lost productivity – is that in the new world order, synchronous communication is a precious commodity.

In the new world, you can’t count on people being at their tables at the same time. You can’t count on them being in the same time zone. Some could work late at night, others early in the morning. Perhaps a schedule of child care or household chores should be considered.

All this adds one brutal fact about teamwork: gathering everyone at a meeting is expensive. It will bother someone, add to the already existing epidemic level of combustion, and suck the time out of already overworked working days.

Project managers need to adopt asynchronous tools that not only help achieve clarity but also better facilitate asynchronous communication.

4. Your work plan must be debugged

Creating a complex work plan requires a lot of work. One mistake, in the middle of hundreds of planning lines, could easily disrupt all or part of a project and cost an entire fortune. And the chance that someone will notice that mistake before the deadline, or something completely deviates from the rails? Infinitely small.

Why? Because no one ever corrects mistakes in the work plan.

Once a plan is built – even when it is complex, expensive, and involves a huge number of moving parts, contributions, milestones, and results – it is followed on the assumption that it is flawless.

5. Everyone is a project manager, now

In the past, project managers have used factors such as budget, resources, and rough estimates to determine how long a task will take. This new set of managers relies on experience, knowledge of the people doing the work, and knowledge of the mental impact of each task needed to determine the duration and timelines. It turns out that these may be better measures.

Once you begin to understand people and consider them people rather than resources — and try to think of ways to circumvent the problems and uncertainties of the case.

6. The project manager has become ‘The Negotiator’

As projects become more complex and companies increasingly focused on building sustainable growth in the new climate, the project manager fell to become not only a planner but also a negotiator capable of bringing competing factions, work teams, distant associates and jointly investing stakeholders as the plan would progress. The role of the project manager is evolving and negotiation skills are becoming increasingly important.

In the old work paradigm, the project manager set plans, encouraged people, checked that everyone was on the right track, and organized meetings to keep everyone informed. But you can no longer rely on physical presence to create synergies, there are more moving parts, and those parts don’t always talk to each other.

It is now a more targeted approach. So, even when you don’t have that 20-person meeting, the project manager ensures that those 20 people have one source of truth.

7. Emotional intelligence is project management essential

When people work in isolation, family life interrupts them, and they record long and unusual hours. As a result, project managers increasingly need to step into unfamiliar territory to get projects back on track. One really important skill that project managers now need is emotional intelligence. Not everyone on the team is advancing in this new distributed workforce. Younger workers and parents are especially struggling. Millions of women left the workforce because they could not reconcile work and children.

The project manager must enable and constantly strengthen the psychological security of the team. They need to create a safety net that gives people the opportunity to feel comfortable sharing ideas and different points of view, without fear.

Increasingly that means the project manager acts as a sort of therapist, identifying what looks like stress and reaching out and helping team members to work through it, prioritize, understand that what’s going on is okay with the team, and to help find resources or a suitable schedule so they feel safe at work and able to come to work.

 “The leader can make a big impact by using these facilitation skills.”

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Best CSS Frameworks in 2021

Best CSS Frameworks in 2021


When we talk about web application development today, it is assumed that for every modern web application, many different technologies and tools are used to improve and facilitate development.

Technologies and tools play a big role in the development of web applications, so it is important to assess which technologies and tools will be used before the start of web application development. This is not always easy to assess, and in this article, we will focus only on one part concerning the CSS framework that serves as tools that will make it easier and faster for front-end developers to create user-friendly and browser-compatible websites and web applications.

What is a framework?

A framework is a software or platform that helps develop applications. The main benefit of using the CSS framework is that it saves time and that a new project does not need to start from scratch.

Why use CSS frameworks?

The use of the CSS framework is essential and comes as an integrated part of professional web development. This is because:

  • Speeds up the development process.
  • Helps make a website or web application cross-browser compatible.
  • The implementation of the CSS framework increases productivity in the development workflow because it is much easier for developers to continue someone else’s projects because everyone uses the same code writing rules.
  • It makes it easier to create clean and professional layouts.
  • Enables good web design habits.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is not a classic CSS framework because it works differently from standard CSS frameworks such as e.g. Bootstrap or Bulma. The idea is that the Tailwind CSS framework provides utility classes with which the developer can create various custom designs. In other words, this framework allows the developer to make the design he wants using already defined classes that serve as a utility, rather than as ready-made classes that represent components. This eliminates the need for certain styles to be overridden and thus provides a unique look for each component, which is not the case with standard CSS frameworks. With Tailwind CSS it is possible to create a complete site without writing your CSS code. Tailwind does not have its built-in UI component like other frameworks.

Benefits that Tailwind provides:

  • After mastering the syntax, Tailwind is very easy to use.
  • Custom design, each design can look different, there is no default theme that everyone will use and why every website or web application will look similar.
  • It does not force a certain style that would have to be changed later.
  • Utility-first framework. It offers an advantage at the outset due to a custom design that allows for a unique identity.
  • It comes with a large number of already designed widgets that can be used to create a website or web application.

Available at: https://tailwindcss.com/


Bootstrap is the most popular and best CSS framework for developing responsive and mobile-first projects as it has great community support. The focus on responsiveness and the mobile-first concept makes it usable for devices of any screen size, making it also developer-friendly. Bootstrap makes front-end web development faster and easier. It contains a large number of ready-made components and utility classes that make Bootstrap one of the best CSS framework choices for web developers. It also has great JS components that can be changed and provides a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

Benefits of Bootstrap:

  • Bootstrap offers a large number of different examples and ready-made layouts to start with.
  • All components use the same style so developers can fit all the components and easily make a good design for a website or web application.
  • It provides very detailed documentation for each component and layout so users can easily understand how to use them.
  • Bootstrap is completely free to use.

Available at: https://getbootstrap.com/


Materialize is a responsive front-end framework that is based on Material Design and offers a collection of UI components. Material Design is a popular design trend developed by Google. It is easy to learn and provides excellent documentation. Like Bootstrap, Materialize has a large community that supports it. It also allows for customization and provides an impressive set of color collections.

Benefits that Materialize provides:

  • Materialize has strong documentation and is very easy to get started.
  • This framework has a strong community that supports everything.
  • It provides a large number of different components.
  • It is responsive out of the box and has a minimal design.
  • Cross-browser compatible and can be used to create reusable components.

Available at: https://materializecss.com/

Material Design Lite

Material Design Lite is a lightweight framework based on Material Design, ie it is a UI library of components. This is the most popular CSS framework for adding Material Design looks and feel to your website or web application. It is compatible with cross-device use, has excellent documentation and initial templates. Material Design Lite is completely free to download and use.

Benefits that Material Design Lite provides:

  • Material Design Lite was created by Google and is easy to use.
  • Can be used in combination with Elm, which is a language for graphical user interfaces (GUI).
  • Provides a great out of the box look where there may be no need for customization.
  • Provides blogging template which enables you to get a blog started in minutes.
  • Material Design Lite provides a rich set of components.

Available at: https://getmdl.io/


Bulma is a modern and responsive CSS framework. This framework is based entirely on CSS which means only one CSS file is required and JavaScript is not required. It uses the same grid layout style as Bootstrap and has advanced options that allow you to create an attractive website without using a bit of code. Bulma follows a modular design approach and is highly customizable. It has predefined responsive templates, which helps the developer focus more on content than the presentation layer. Because UI components have a modular structure, it is not necessary to import everything but only the components you want to use in your web design or project.

Benefits that Bulma provides:

  • Free and open-source (MIT License).
  • Bulma offers clean and simple settings that are preset which allows the developer a large selection of different themes.
  • Bulma offers a large number of web components that can be modified.
  • Bulma also has a strong community.
  • Easy to learn and has excellent documentation.

Available at: https://bulma.io/


Foundation is an advanced CSS framework. It uses a mobile-first approach and has a similar file structure as Bootstrap, Bulma, and Materialize. All components are fully responsive. This framework is commonly used to build large web applications. It offers initial templates with the help of which it is possible to create awesome websites and attractive user interfaces. It can be completely customized and has excellent supporting documentation as well as video tutorials. Foundation gives a lot of space for designers to show their creativity.

Benefits that Foundation provides:

  • The most advanced CSS framework that allows users to create large web applications.
  • It offers the possibility of customization so that the final website will not look the same as other websites that use this framework.
  • Foundation CSS framework has a strong community that supports it.
  • The framework is modular and consists mostly of SASS style sheets.

Available at: https://get.foundation/


Skeleton is an extremely light framework for basic UI elements, ie it is a small collection of CSS files that help in the rapid development of websites that look beautiful in any screen size. Skeleton is a tool for rapid development, if your website is small and straightforward then the Skeleton CSS framework is a good choice. It is easy to learn and has a good grid structure that allows easy customization for mobile devices. It is great for beginners who want to learn CSS and quickly start making beautiful yet straightforward websites.

Benefits that Skeleton provides:

  • Lightweight and minimal framework with only 400 lines of source code.
  • Easy to learn and mobile-focused.
  • Responsive grid.
  • Vanilla CSS.
  • It is more like a boilerplate than a full-fledged framework.

Available at: http://getskeleton.com/

Semantic UI

The Semantic UI is a bit different from the others. It is unique because it uses the principles of natural language and aims to create a shared vocabulary related to UI. Its main advantage is that it helps developers and designers by making the code clearer to read and easier to understand. In addition, it offers the possibility of debugging, as well as many other things. The Semantic UI has a small community but the members are full of enthusiasm and loyalty. Semantic UI is a production-ready CSS framework and has collaboration for frameworks such as React, Angular, Meteor, and Ember which means it can be integrated with any of these frameworks.

Benefits that Semantic UI provides:

  • It offers well-organized documentation, in addition to which there is a separate website where various tutorials are available.
  • All classes used are human words written in plain text so this user-friendly approach makes it easier to understand the framework even for beginners.
  • Looks like plain English while reading the code.
  • Provides a high level of customization.
  • It comes with amazing prebuild designs and modern templates that meet most of all the requirements a developer may have for front-end design.

Available at: https://semantic-ui.com/

Pure CSS

Pure is a set of small responsive CSS modules for all needs. Minimal and lightweight framework that provides layout and styling for native HTML elements as well as most common UI components. The idea is to provide minimal styles as a background after which custom application styles would be written on top of it. So, it allows you to create your elements and styles on top of existing elements provided by default.

Benefits that Pure CSS provides:

  • It is designed so that styles can be easily overridden.
  • The minimal look gives designers a great opportunity to create their unique design.
  • Easy to learn and to change.
  • It is straightforward to learn and maintain.
  • Pure CSS is ridiculously small.
  • It is responsive out of the box, so elements look great on all screen sizes.

Available at: https://purecss.io/


Lightweight UI design CSS framework that offers almost all possibilities like other frameworks. It comes with many pre-installed components. Helps developers create clean and modern interfaces. It offers impressive capabilities, when it comes to design the UIkit has no competition. The UI kit focuses mostly on application development on Apple platforms and is easy to use.

Benefits that UIkit provides:

  • A modular and lightweight framework that allows developers to develop fast and powerful web interfaces.
  • UIkit offers a large number of pre-installed components.
  • Helps develop responsive, powerful and fast web interfaces.
  • Contains a collection of CSS, HTML and JS components.
  • UIkit has strong support from the community.
  • Easy to change and use.
  • Clean and minimal design with a modern interface.
  • Free and open-source framework.

Available at: https://getuikit.com/


The list of the mentioned CSS frameworks is arranged in a random order, since the choice is always individual, ie. depends on the project itself. This article is written as a guideline in deciding on choosing a CSS framework for your project. Each framework has unique features which is why you would choose that framework for your web application. To help with the selection, we will divide the listed CSS frameworks into a couple of categories:

Tailwind CSS and Semantic UI

These two CSS frameworks stand out because they use a different approach compared to the others. If the focus is on creating a unique design these two frameworks can be a good choice.

Bootstrap, Materialize, Bulma and Foundation

They provide a large number of different pre-built components that can be used immediately. Customization is also possible however they are better if the UI design is not so important but the priority is the speed of development itself. In such situations these frameworks are the right choice.

Material Design Lite, Skeleton, Pure CSS and UIkit

These are minimal and lightweight CSS frameworks that mostly take up little space and use few files to implement them. In situations where the size of the space is significant and when working on smaller projects these frameworks are the right choice.

In addition to this, here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a CSS framework.

  • What kind of UI design did you imagine and do you want?
  • Grid system.
  • Which license does the CSS framework use?
  • Is compatible with all browsers.
  • Responsiveness.
  • Does the framework have strong community support?

In addition to all of the above, of course there are others such as: Milligram, Spectre CSS, Base CSS, Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB), Tachyons, Tacit, Susy, etc.

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