Need an icon library? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered!
Developers and designers today work with a large number of technologies and libraries and use a variety of tools to do their jobs the best they can. It’s hard to remember all these things, and for that reason, they usually keep all the important things somewhere like a folder, file, or bookmark inside the browser.
In this post, we will go through the icon libraries. We will see which are the more popular icon libraries, what these libraries offer, and what they can be used for. Maybe one of these icon libraries will be ideal for your next project, so you will add it to your library collection for that reason.
Feather is an icon library that contains a collection of open-source icons. The default icon size is 24px, but users have the option to customize the size, thickness, and color of the icons.
You can check out the Feather icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Feather Icon Library
GitHub: Feather Icons GitHub Project

Font Awesome
Font Awesome is the most popular icon library on the internet, used by developers, designers, and content creators. There is a free plan for individuals and smaller teams and plans that are charged for large organizations.
The reason for the popularity of this library is that it was one of the first to enter this field and offers a high level of customization. The Font Awesome icon library offers various types of icons. They constantly add new ones and divide them into various categories. All icons can be customized.
No registration was required at first, but now Font Awesome offers a Kit, which is your custom version of this icon library where you add the icons, tools, and settings you want. This way, each user has their custom Font Awesome version.
Also, it is important to note that Font Awesome has excellent documentation.
You can check out the Font Awesome icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Font Awesome
GitHub: Font Awesome GitHub Project

Bootstrap Icons
Boostrap Icons is a free, high-quality open source icon library created for the Boostrap CSS framework, but can be used without it.
Since Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework, this icon library is also very popular and generally accepted. One of the main advantages is that all the icons are of high quality and free of charge.
You can check out the Bootstrap icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Bootstrap Icon Library
GitHub: Bootstrap Icons GitHub Project
The Ionic framework enables cross-platform mobile application development and PWA development. Ionicons is an open-source icon library that offers hand-crafted, premium-designed icons for the web, iOS, Android, and desktop applications.
The rules are the same as for the Boostrap icon library. Ionicons icons can be used with other technologies without the Ionic framework.
You can check out the Ionicons icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Ionicons Icon Library
GitHub: Ionicons GitHub Project
Some developers prefer pure vanilla CSS. is a pure CSS open-source icon library that offers maximum customization.
One of the advantages of this icon library is that, in addition to CSS, SVG, JSON, XML, and TSX formats, it also offers all icons in Figma (FIG) and Adobe XD (XD) formats, which makes it ideal for web design.
You can check out the icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Icon Library
GitHub: GitHub Project
Tabler Icons
Tabler Icons offers free, open-source SVG icons. The icons are customizable and are free for commercial use. The style of these icons is reminiscent of Apple’s design. The complete icon library is done in a minimalist style. It is possible to change the size, thickness, and colors of the icons.
You can check out the Tabler icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Tabler Icon Library
GitHub: Tabler Icons GitHub Project
React Icons
React has developed its way of adding popular icon types to its React projects. This way, only the icons that will be used in your project are imported, not the complete icon library.
React Icons supports various icon libraries, some of which we have already listed:
- Ant Design Icons
- Bootstrap Icons
- BoxIcons
- Devicons
- Feather
- Flat Color Icons
- Font Awesome
- Game Icons
- Github Octicons icons
- Grommet-Icons
- Heroicons
- IcoMoon Free
- Ionicons 4
- Ionicons 5
- Material Design icons
- Remix Icon
- Simple Icons
- Typicons
- VS Code Icons
- Weather Icons
React Icons are a go-to option for creating React projects.
You can check out the React icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: React Icon Library
GitHub: React Icons GitHub Project
Material Icons
Google has developed its web design style called “Material Design”. Material Icons is their icon library, much like the Google Fonts library.
Google also offers a Material Symbols library that offers glyphs. Libraries offer a high level of customization. Google uses these libraries in its products, which is why they were primarily developed. Icons are available for the web, Android, iOS, and Flutter.
You can check out the Google Material Design icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Google Material Design Icon Library
GitHub: Google Material Design Icons GitHub Project
Material UI Icons
Material UI is a library of React components that uses Google’s Material Design style. The library offers a large selection of UI tools to help you speed up the creation of front-end applications.
This library uses identical Material Icons that Google offers only for use directly from the Material UI library. The goal of this library is to enable ready-made React components that use Material Design, just as Bootstrap provides ready-made CSS components.
We added this library because many such variants also offer the ability to import icons along with components. If you still want to use Material Design and icons together in your vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects, you can use Materialize or just Google Material Icons.
You can check out the Material UI icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Material UI icon library
GitHub: Material UI Icons GitHub Project
Fluent UI Icons
Fluent UI is a collection of UX frameworks developed by Microsoft to create cross-platform applications. Just as Google developed Material Design for its products, Microsoft developed the Fluent UI for its own. If you want your application to use the Microsoft Fluent UI style, you can use this library. You can import all the icons that Microsoft uses through the Fluent UI.
You can check out the Fluent UI icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Fluent UI icon library
GitHub: Fluent UI GitHub Project
Lineicons is an icon library for web designers and developers with a free CDN and icon editor. All the icons are hand-crafted. This library can be used for the UI of web, mobile, and desktop applications.
It allows customization of icons and it is possible to change the size and color. It comes with a free and pro plan, where the pro plan includes three different packages.
You can check out the Lineicons icon library and GitHub project via the following links:
Official website: Lineicons icon library
GitHub: Lineicons GitHub Project
In this post, we decided to bring you closer to icon libraries. If you haven’t already started saving various design and development resources, it’s time to start building your small private base. We hope we helped you choose the next icon library for your next project.
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